Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Gods Last Laugh

Long ago, lived a bunch of people on little planet, which was abundant for them. They lived in peace and harmony with all the other living and non living,the sentient and the non-sentient beings off their little blue home.

One day, they wanted to see the heavens and came together and started building a tower, to knock on the lords door and say hi. They started building with great vigour, maybe their intention was clean or maybe not, the mighty lord got scared and Gave them one the bane of languages, as a result nobody could understand each other and of course the tower came crashing down.

Lord was happy as the tower came crashing down and the folk down below were confused . So, these confused folk gave birth to more confused folk who added their own ideas to the basic difference of language and gave birth to something more confusing called religion. These confused folk, confused with religion, confused themselves and more, by breaking ONE GOD into multiple GODS. Now these confused folk wanted to prove whose GOD is better and fought bloody wars. These wars documented, with purely enhanced brutality,confused the next generation of the confused folk who continued this war. X confused folk bombed Y,saying thier god is better and Y confused folk bombed X, for bombing them in the 1st place. End of this all neither lived to see whose was better.

Thus, invariably the GOD they fought for, played the role of the devil.